May Articles - Staying secure when working remotely

Here are some of our favourite articles from May:

Secure Remote Working   

Remote work: 6 common misunderstandings about online security threats

With many staff working remotely due to COVID-19, companies need to ensure that appropriate security measures are in place. If staff are working remotely, managers need to ensure that their network is encrypted and that any personal devices connecting to company-owned data are secure.

Future of Work

Future of work: 5 trends that are here to stay after COVID-19

The COVID-19 Pandemic has shifted attitudes and behaviours to remote working.

We’re already starting to see some major changes and expect some trends to continue even when we are back to some form of ‘New Normal’.

These include:

  • Peak Commuting Times- People are already starting to avoid public transport in peak hours, and with remote and flexible working fast becoming the norm we’re likely to see a reduced need to travel at ‘Peak’ times.

  • Flexible Work - Employees have had to embrace remote work, and we’re expecting this trend to stick around for a long time. Flexible work is the next level and incorporates the flexibility to choose not just where you work, but on what schedule and with whom.

What does the future of work look like post-coronavirus

Employers and companies that once shrugged at remote working are now seriously considering permanent implementation after restrictions are lifted.

Kate Lister, president of Global Workforce Analytics stresses that businesses and managers not considering the concept will be likely to overwork and leave employees burning out.


Why every company must tackle mental health head-on

The change in work/life balance and uncertainty about the future means people cannot switch off and can suffer from anxiety and burnout.

It is the duty of the company to provide programs and policies to address this. Failing to do so will impact negatively on productivity and workplace culture.

Safety protocols for shifting from office to home

The transition from office to home poses some challenges in regards to employee safety. It is vital to conduct a home hazard assessment to identify any risks present within the confines of the house. These risks can be ergonomic, physical, chemical, biological, or environmental in nature.


Study reveals working from home affects productivity by only 1 percent

A study by the research firm Valoir found that most respondents noted only a 1% drop in productivity whilst 20% noted no changes in productivity at all.

3% of the average workday was spent tackling technological issues and it is recommended companies improve their digital infrastructure for improved workflow.

How to balance the productivity and wellness of remote teams

Failure by companies to dedicate time towards aiding staff to adjust to new technology will result in productivity losses. Companies need to provide structured training programs to help their teams to adapt.